As reported by Live Science, Sunday (12/2/2012), supercontinent that will be formed in the future is called Amasia. According to the geologist, called Amasia supercontinent that formed from the continent of Asia and America are moving northward, then blend and cover the Arctic Ocean.
The conventional Model of formation of a supercontinent is divided into three. The first is introversi, i.e. the supercontinent formed above the supercontinent that existed previously. Secondly, if the case is otherwise process, it is called ekstroversi. The third is orthoversi, which means there will be built of Amasia sideways supercontinent location ever.
Ross Mitchell, geologist at Yale University, along with his colleagues researching it. According to penelelitian, which was published in the journal Nature, a third model appears to be more consistent with the model that shows how the formation of the supercontinent in the past.
Model orthoversi used Mitchell and his partner basing the movement of continents to the location where the previous supercontinent located. For example, when Pangaea broke up, the edges into the Earth (subduction occurs or penekukan).
Penekukan zones are now surrounding the Pacific Ocean and is known as the ring of fire, that is the location of many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the present.Through the orthoversi model, the continent today will be shifted either to the North or South, in the vicinity of the ring of fire.
To see which model which would form the Amasia, researchers tried to see the model best suits the data creation of supercontinent in the past. Including the data regarding the formation of Rodinia, Pangaea and between 750 million to 1.1 billion years ago, as well as the Nuna, formed between 1.5 million to 1.8 million years ago.
Ago, when roughly Amasia supercontinent formed-? According to Mitchell, it is difficult to answer in exactly the formation that is going to happen. The reason, the cycle of the continent could not be equated with the cycle of the seasons. However, the history of the formation of Pangaea based from 300 million years ago, the emergence of Amasia can estimated.
"We can predict the range of formation of Amasia starts from 50 to 200 million years from now," said Mitchell.

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