Friday, 17 August 2012

10 The Most Vicious Dinosaurs in Prehistoric Times

All stunned when witnessing and being part of the tension on while watching movies or TV shows such as 'Jurassic Park', 'The Land Before Time' or 'Walking With Dinosaurs'.

Ever dreamed But when giant creatures like the movie is still alive today.

How awful when we have to live with feelings of anxiety because it must always be vigilant, lest they stalking us and ready to attack.

Luckily this time they just become extinct prehistoric creatures, but discuss these giant animals remain attractive. Like making a list of 10 prehistoric predators of the most frightening, as shown below :

1. Madtsoia
Madtsoia the giant snake, about 15-20 meters in length. How to kill their prey with large snakes in general, twisting and crushing the bones of its prey to death. This predator had become ruler of reptiles for a very long time, until finally disappeared 45 million years ago.

2. Dunkleosteus 
Dunkleosteus is a prehistoric fish that lived about 380 million years ago, regarded as the greatest sea creatures in his time.

With up to 10 meters long, weighing about 3.5 tons, armed with strong jaws, which may be biting objects with metal ones. The Dunkleosteus eat everything that is the sea, even the smaller members of their own species.

3. Sea Scorpion
Although his name is known as 'sea scorpion', but its the fact they do not live at sea. His name is officially called the Eurypterid. Its peak at 3 meters long over and eventually became extinct about 250 million years ago.

4. Argentavis
Argentavis is the largest bird ever found. Argentavis can literally translates to "bird Argentina extraordinary". Perhaps because the South American section of predators live.

Physical form almost like a bird glider, much like the Condor bird today, but with a cruising speed much better.

5. Terror Bird

Included in the family Phorusrhacidae (species of carnivorous birds that fly into the dominant predators in South America). But Terror bird can not fly, he can only run so fast to catch prey.

Terror bird has the head with a length of one meter and half like an eagle with a large size, giving the possibility to swallow seeokor horse with great ease.

6. Megalania

Megalania is a giant lizard with a size seven feet in length and has a toxic weapon in his teeth are very sharp.

Even though it looks scary and deadly, but Megalania a game for men ancient times, about 40,000 years ago. The remaining current is the smallest of its Megalania, namely Komodo.

7. Therizinosaurus

Therizinosaurus is not a predator, a very large physical form remains a record in itself. When first discovered fossils in the 1950s, an estimated Therizinosaurus is a reptile that resembles a giant tortoise. Although it is unclear that Therizinosaurus are herbivores.

Therizinosaurus has a small skull on a long neck and three-meter-long claws on both front feet. Claws has the function to fight to defend its territory or mating and to achieve a leafy tree branches.

8. Predator X
Predator X is the name that has not been authorized for marine predator that is claimed to be "the scariest animals in the ocean."

Has a body length up to 15 meters, weight 45 000 kg and 30 centimeters long with teeth (his teeth even more powerful than Tyrannosaurus), making a bite 10 times stronger than the current predator and four times more powerful than Tyrannosaurus.

There is one more fact that makes this a scary creature, Predator X only uses its two fins to swim, the other two may serve to capture prey.

9. Liopleurodon
Such as the Predator X, including the family Pliosaur Liopleurodon (marine reptiles from the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods). Liopleurodon is also a carnivorous marine reptile that has a very large size, with a body length of 1.5 to 10 meters.

This giant has four legs resembling a large and powerful paddle, making it a good swimmer with exceptional speed.

Liopleurodon regarded as the ruler of the sea in the era of the early Jurassic and Cretaceous because of excluding the largest predator of its time.

10. Tyrannosaurus Rex

Predators are very popular because of her figure is often used as the main predators in the famous films dinasaurus world. Has the structure of the skull are large, heavy tails and two strong claws on each of his legs is the best known feature of any prehistoric monster.

Tyrannosaurus estimated length of 13 meters high and up to 4 meters and weigh 7000 pounds, making it the largest predator in its environment, hunt almost anything that can eat.

Some experts say that Tyrannosaurus was not but scavenger carnivores (birds of prey). This is a long debate in the world of paleontology.


If all this the travelers to spend hundreds thousands dolarAS (U.S. $) to enjoy a trip around the world, now try to do a trip to the extraordinary objects like surf like no other between galaxies but still stepping on planet earth. Mengunjungisalah an incredible place, you feel trapped another planet. The following 7 Place On Earth The Feeling On Another Planet, namely:

1. Blue Lagoon, Iceland

Blue Lagoon

This place is filled with many artificial ponds containing materialdari volcanic activity. With mineral-rich water contained herein is believed to have the power to cure certain diseases. In winter, hot steam emerging from the pool surrounded by snow and ice, thus creating a tense atmosphere.

2. Haleakala, Hawaii


Haleakala, the volcano is around Maui, Hawaii. Sabantahun almost more than 1.5 million people visit Haleakala. They sometimes just want to watch the sun rise or set, with a charm that is very dramatic, also saw a large crater at Haleakala cluster. The name comes from Hawaiiyang Haleakala means house of the sun. According to legend, the demigod of Maui has kept the sun in this place to extend the time of day.

3. Chocolate Hills, Philippines

Chocolate Hills

Limestone hill Choclolate Hills area of ​​20 square miles located island collapse, the Philippines, which covered nearly 1300 grass. These limestone hills altitude of about 100 to 400 feet. When the dry season, this mountain resembles a giant chocolate chip. Based on local legend, this hill is formed of a giant buffalo dung fed poisoned by local farmers. However, the scientists concluded that the hill was formed by volcano debris.

4. Craters of the Moon National Park

Craters of the Moon National Park

Craters of the Moon National Park in Idaho, an area that resembles a month you can be found in the United States. Formed from the volcanic eruption that occurred 15,000 years ago, creating lava field covering an area over 600 square miles. Last eruption created the power of coal and inlet cone-shaped lava.

5. Racetrack Playa, California

Racetrack Playa

Racetrack Playa in Death Valley National Park, California USA, now known as the mysterious rock slide (Moving Rock). This dry lake paved with stones and mud sediment. No one has ever seen the rocks move. But, the theory states that the movement is growing due to strong winds and due to the glacial ice. Impact occurs during the rainy season, shallow lakes where the surface becomes slippery.

6. Cappadocia, Turkey


Cappadocia in Turkey featuring the unique rock formations called "fairy chimneys up". Cappadocia is formed from geological and volcanic activity, including weather and erosion, which occurred about 60 jutatahun Islam. Year 2000, the Christians built the first church was a unique area of ​​the rocks.

7. Dead Sea, the Middle East

Dead Sea,

Shores of the sea with salt water, called the Dead Sea is the lowest on earth, which is nearly 1,400 feet below sea level. The water here is saltier than ocean water, due to high salt levels, allowing a living creature can float on water. Dead Sea waters widely used for medical therapy. This giant lake water continued to shrink, because there are dangerous holes.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

7 The Mystery of Planet Mars

Photo: 7 Misteri di balik Mars

Mars dikenal sebagai "bintang api" oleh astronom kuno China. Peneliti masa kini sering menyebutnya sebagai planet merah.
Meskipun puluhan wahana ruang angkasa telah dikirimkan ke Mars, masih banyak hal yang menjadi teka-teki dan memunculkan pertanyaan mengenai planet tersebut. Inilah beberapa misteri Planet Mars yang menarik disimak, seiring dengan rencana NASA meluncurkan wahananya, Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity, ke sana pada 25 November mendatang.

1. Mengapa Mars memiliki dua wajah berbeda?
Para peneliti sejak lama bertanya-tanya mengapa dua sisi Planet Mars memiliki perbedaan yang mencolok? Belahan utara Mars bisa dikatakan datar dan berupa dataran rendah, bahkan termasuk salah satu permukaan paling datar, paling halus di tata surya. Kondisi itu barangkali terbentuk oleh air yang diduga pernah mengalir di permukaan planet merah.

Sementara itu, kebalikannya, belahan selatan Mars memiliki permukaan yang terjal, berkawah, dan sekitar 4 km hingga 8 km lebih tinggi dibanding belahan utara. Bukti-bukti terkini memunculkan perkiraan bahwa perbedaan antara sisi utara dan selatan Mars itu diakibatkan oleh batu raksasa dari ruang angkasa yang menghantam Mars pada masa lalu.

2. Dari mana asal gas metana di Mars?
Metana—molekul organik paling sederhana—pertama kali ditemukan di atmosfer Mars oleh wahana Mars Express milik Badan Antariksa Eropa pada tahun 2003. Di Bumi, sebagian besar gas metana di atmosfer dihasilkan oleh makhluk hidup. Gas metana diduga sudah ada di atmosfer Mars sejak 300 tahun lalu. Artinya, apa pun sumbernya, keberadaan gas tersebut belum lama.

Meski begitu, gas metana bisa juga muncul di luar kehidupan, seperti misalnya dari aktivitas vulkanik. Wahana ExoMars milik ESA yang akan diluncurkan pada 2016 bakal meneliti komposisi kimia atmosfer Mars dan mempelajari keberadaan metana di sana.

3. Di manakah lautan Mars?
Banyak misi ke Mars menemukan bukti-bukti bahwa planet tersebut pernah memiliki kondisi cukup hangat sehingga air tidak membeku dan bisa mengalir di permukaannya. Bukti-bukti itu antara lain berupa wilayah yang seperti bekas lautan, jaringan-jaringan lembah, delta-delta sungai, dan sisa-sisa mineral yang seolah terbentuk oleh air.

Meski begitu, pemodelan iklim Mars belum bisa menjelaskan bagaimana temperatur hangat itu bisa terjadi, mengingat cahaya Matahari jauh lebih lemah dahulu. Ada dugaan, bentuk-bentuk di atas terbentuk bukan oleh air, melainkan oleh angin atau mekanisme lain. Namun masih tetap ada bukti bahwa Mars pernah cukup hangat untuk mendukung keberadaan air dalam bentuk cair, setidaknya di satu tempat di permukaannya.

4. Apakah ada air mengalir di permukaan Mars saat ini?
Meski sebagian besar bukti menunjukkan bahwa air pernah mengalir di permukaan Mars, masih menjadi teka-teki apakah masih ada air yang mengalir di permukaan planet tersebut saat ini. Tekanan atmosfer Mars terlalu rendah, sekitar satu per seratus tekanan di Bumi sehingga air sulit berada di permukaannya. Namun ada jalur gelap dan sempit di lereng-lereng Mars yang memunculkan dugaan bahwa ada air yang mengalir tiap musim semi.

5. Apakah ada kehidupan di Mars?
Wahana pertama yang berhasil mendarat di Mars, Viking 1 milik NASA, memunculkan teka-teki yang masih misterius saat ini: Adakah bukti kehidupan di Mars? Viking adalah wahana yang secara khusus ditugaskan untuk mencari kehidupan di Mars, dan apa yang ditemukan masih menjadi perdebatan hingga hari ini. Wahana itu telah menemukan adanya molekul organik seperti metil klorida dandichloromethane. Walau demikian, senyawa-senyawa itu bisa jadi merupakan kontaminasi dari Bumi yang terbawa saat wahana bersiap meluncur di Bumi.
Permukaan Mars sendiri sangat tidak bersahabat bagi makhluk hidup dalam hal suhu yang sangat rendah, radiasi, kondisi kering, dan faktor-faktor lain. Walau begitu, ada makhluk-makhluk hidup yang bisa bertahan di lingkungan ekstrem di Bumi, seperti di Lembah Kering Antartika yang dingin dan kering, atau wilayah amat kering di Gurun Atacama di Cile.

Secara teori, selalu ada kehidupan, seperti ada air dalam bentuk cair di Bumi. Kemungkinan pernah adanya lautan di Mars memunculkan pertanyaan apakah pernah ada kehidupan di sana. Bila ada, apakah sampai saat ini makhluk-makhluk hidup itu tetap eksis? Jawaban atas pertanyaan itu mungkin membantu memberikan sedikit pencerahan terhadap pertanyaan seberapa umumkah kehidupan di jagat raya.

6. Apakah kehidupan di Bumi berawal dari Mars?
Meteorit yang ditemukan di Antartika dan berasal dari Mars—terlempar dari planet merah akibat tabrakan kosmis—memiliki struktur serupa dengan batuan yang dihasilkan mikroba di Bumi. Meski penelitian lebih jauh menunjukkan bahwa struktur itu terbentuk karena proses kimia dan bukan biologi, perdebatan mengenai Mars sebagai asal-usul kehidupan di Bumi masih berlanjut. Beberapa orang masih memegang teori bahwa kehidupan di Bumi berasal dari Mars, dan terbawa ke Bumi bersama meteorit.

7. Bisakah manusia hidup di Mars?
Untuk menjawab apakah kehidupan pernah ada atau masih ada di Mars, barangkali manusia perlu pergi ke sana dan mencarinya sendiri.

Pada tahun 1969, NASA pernah merencanakan misi berawak ke Mars pada tahun 1981 dan membangun stasiun permanen di sana tahun 1988. Namun perjalanan antarplanet itu ternyata menghadapi tantangan ilmiah dan teknologi yang tidak kecil.

Para ilmuwan harus mengatasi berbagai masalah perjalanan antarplanet, seperti makanan, air, oksigen, efek gravitasi mikro, kemungkinan radiasi yang berbahaya, dan kenyataan bahwa astronot yang pergi ke sana akan berada jutaan kilometer dari Bumi sehingga tidak mudah untuk mendapat bantuan bila terjadi sesuatu. Selain itu, mendarat, bekerja, dan hidup di planet lain lalu kembali ke Bumi bukan perkara mudah.

Meski begitu, banyak peneliti yang ingin melakukan misi itu. Tahun ini, enam sukarelawan hidup terisolasi seolah sedang berada dalam wahana ruang angkasa selama 520 hari dalam proyek yang disebut Mars500. Simulasi penerbangan ruang angkasa terlama ini bertujuan untuk meniru perjalanan ke Mars.

Banyak sukarelawan bahkan bersedia diterbangkan ke Mars meski kemungkinan tidak bisa kembali.Berbagai rencana juga dibuat, misalnya dengan mengirimkan mikroba pemakan batu terlebih dahulu, sebelum manusia didatangkan. Teka-teki mengenai apakah manusia akan pernah menjejakkan kaki ke Mars memang masih tergantung pada alasan, mengapa kita harus mencoba menjelajahi planet merah itu

Mars is known as the "star of fire" by ancient Chinese astronomers. Contemporary researchers often refer to it as the red planet.Although dozens of spacecraft have been sent to Mars, there are still many things that puzzle and raises questions about the planet. Here are some interesting mysteries of Mars listened to, along with NASA plans launch bicycle, Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity, over there on 25 November.

1. Why does Mars have two different faces? 

The researchers since long wondered why the two sides of the planet Mars has a striking difference? Northern hemisphere of Mars can be said to be flat and low land, even including one of the most flat surfaces, the most refined in the solar system. Conditions were probably formed by water that once flowed on the surface of the suspected red planet.

Meanwhile, in contrast, the southern hemisphere of Mars has a rugged surface, has a crater, and about 4 km to 8 km higher than the northern hemisphere. Recent evidence raises expectations that the difference between north and south sides of Mars was caused by a giant rock from space that hit Mars in the past.

2. Where the origin of methane on Mars?

 Methane, the simplest organic molecule, first discovered in the atmosphere of Mars by the Mars Express spacecraft European Space Agency in 2003. On Earth, most methane in the atmosphere produced by living things. Methane is thought to already exist in the Martian atmosphere 300 years ago. That is, whatever the source, where gas is not long.

However, methane gas may also arise out of life, such as from volcanic activity. ESA's ExoMars spacecraft will be launched in 2016 will examine the chemical composition of the Martian atmosphere and studied the presence of methane in there.

3. Where is the sea of ​​Mars? 

Many missions to Mars have found evidence that the planet once had conditions warm enough so that water does not freeze and can flow on its surface. Evidence that among other areas such as the former sea, valley networks, river deltas, and trace minerals that are formed as by water.

Even so, Mars climate models can not explain how the warm temperatures that could happen, given the much weaker sunlight first. There are allegations, the above forms are formed not by water but by the wind or other mechanisms. But still there is evidence that Mars was once warm enough to support the existence of liquid water, at least in one place on its surface.

4. Is there water on Mars today?

Although most evidence suggests that water once flowed on the surface of Mars, is still a puzzle whether there is water flowing over the surface of the planet at this time. Atmospheric pressure of Mars is too low, about one-hundredth the pressure on the Earth so hard to be in surface water. But there are dark and narrow path on the slopes of Mars that raises a presumption that there is water that flows each spring.

5. Is there life on Mars? 

The first spacecraft to successfully land on Mars, NASA's Viking 1, gave rise to a puzzle that remains mysterious at this time: Is there any evidence of life on Mars? Viking is a vehicle that is specifically assigned to look for life on Mars, and what is found is still being debated to this day. The spacecraft has discovered the existence of organic molecules such as methyl chloride dandichloromethane. However, these compounds could be the contamination of the Earth is getting carried away when the vehicle slid on Earth.

The surface of Mars itself is not hostile to living things in terms of very low temperatures, radiation, dry conditions, and other factors. Even so, there are living creatures that can survive in extreme environments on Earth, such as the Dry Valleys of Antarctica is cold and dry, or very dry region in the Atacama Desert in Chile.

In theory, there is always life, as there is liquid water on Earth. The possibility of the existence of oceans on Mars ever raised the question of whether life ever existed there. If there is, whether today's living creatures still exist? The answer to that question may help shed some light on the question of how common is life in the universe.

6. Is life on Earth came from Mars?

 Meteorites found in Antarctica and are from Mars, was thrown from the red planet from collisions of cosmic-rock has a structure similar to that produced microbes on Earth. Although further research showed that the structure was formed due to chemical rather than biological processes, the debate on Mars as the origin of life on Earth continues. Some people still hold the theory that life on Earth came from Mars, and brought to Earth with meteorites.

7. Can humans live on Mars? 

To answer whether life ever existed or still exist on Mars, humans may need to go there and look for yourself.

In 1969, NASA had planned manned mission to Mars in 1981 and establish a permanent station there in 1988. But it turned out to interplanetary travel of scientific and technological challenges are not small.

The scientists had to overcome a variety of interplanetary travel problems, such as food, water, oxygen, the effects of micro gravity, the possibility of harmful radiation, and the fact that the astronauts who go there will be millions of miles from Earth so it is not easy to get help if anything happens. In addition, land, work, and life on other planets and then return to Earth was not easy.Even so, many researchers who want to do that mission. This year, six volunteers live in isolation as was in the spacecraft for 520 days in the project, called Mars500. Longest space flight simulation is intended to mimic the journey to Mars.

Many volunteers are willing to fly to Mars even though the possibility can not kembali.Berbagai plan was also created, for example by sending the first rock-eating microbes, before humans were imported. The puzzle about whether humans will ever set foot on Mars is still dependent on the reason, why we should try to explore the red planet

Monday, 13 August 2012

8 Unique Place Arround The World

1. Mount Roraima, Venezuela, Brazil and Guyan Mount Roraima is a place of incredible scenic beauty. The rock is unique because it is like the hood of a table that is in the cloud. Height of 400 meters. One other way to reach the top of the roof that is to climb up the table line the stairs which was already provided Venezuela's Government. Another way that is not recommended is wont to do the rock climbers. There it rained down almost every day, washed away crops vines located on the roof. The result, the roof of the mountain to be unique, because it is clean of any ...aliases such as ' empty ' table.

2. The Guaíra Falls, Brazil-Paraguay border most people consider Niagara Falls are the largest in the world. Guaira Falls is actually the world's largest waterfall by volume achieved an average of 1,750,000 cubic feet per second. Compare with Niagara Falls are only 70,000 cubic feet per second. Source of Guaira Falls in Brazil-Paraguay, perbatasasn is the River Parana. In 1982, in ternjun water dam was constructed to Guaira power plant under the name of Itaipu Dam which is now the second largest dam the world's largest producer of electricity after Gorges Dam. Itaipu Dam supplies 90 percent of electricity to Paraguay, and 19 percent to Brazil, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

3. Iceberg B-15, the Antarctic iceberg B-15 is the biggest iceberg recorded in history. It has reached 3,100 miles, making it bigger than in the past, Jamaica. A giant iceberg this occurs due to the Ross Ice Shelf in March 2000. Then in 2003, the iceberg B-15 was again split into several pieces, one of which the largest are called B-15a drifted northward, eventually falling into glacier in 2005, leaving the ridge along the 8 km. This makes big changes happen on a map of Antarctica and demanding to be revised (map).

Some drifted to the coast eventually was wrecked. In 2006, a hurricane in Alaska, menyebbakan ocean wave crossing to 13,500 miles over the course of 6 days to Antarctica, and the rest into separate fractions and more. Almost a decade passed, those parts of the iceberg that is still not entirely liquid, part of the biggest are still regarded as B-15a, with vast fields reached 1,700 km. picture above is called iceberg B-15a, after drifting into the Drygalski Glacier (bottom), his final break up into several pieces.

4. Don Juan Pond, Antarctica's most high Place which deposits salts? Surely people will refer to the dead sea. The dead sea is famous in the world due to the salts are very high. Based on research, high-salt sea water it could be a health therapy. It's no wonder that around the dead sea spa-spa constructed for therapy, particularly health and beauty therapies. But it is not the terasin of the dead sea in the world. It is precisely in the Antarctic lah, Don Juan Pond, a lake with the highest salt content in the world.

The comparison if juxtaposed with the sea in General, Don Juan Pond 18 times saltier than sea water, when compared to the dead sea, Don Juan Pond 8 times more salty.
The location was discovered by Lt Don Roe and Lt John Hickey, in 1961, when both conduct research in Antarctica. The name of Don Juan Pond is also given by the two researchers, soldiers may be merging both names. The temperature in the pool is generally in the region-such as the Antarctic, is fairly low, with the lowest point can reach-30 Celsius drajat. But never make it freezes like elsewhere in Antarctica.

5. New Zealand Rotorua, Rotorua is a city on the edge of the Sea South of the Lake of the same name. In the Bay of Plenty, North Island of New Zealand. Uniqueness of the region is the large number of pools, hot springs Geyser at Whakarewarewa in particular Pohutu, boiling mud and mud. The area was a unique and interesting so that many travellers.

6.83-42, Weird and unique. Greenland But 83-42 believed it is the only land that is in the northern part. It's just a DAB of ' size ' approximately 35 m x 15 m and a height of 4 m. Judging from above, like a speck of land that is surrounded by only fractions of ice. Unique! When the North Pole is covered by ice, but the ground is not. Look at the picture! This uniqueness and subvert the previous record which
ATOW 1996. The uniqueness of the 83-42 was discovered in 1998.

7. The Republic of Yemen, Socotra Socotra strangest places at once the most unique in the world. Almost everything in there looks odd, ranging from tree shape as well as its surroundings, it's no wonder many who call Socotra in the Republic of Yemen as one of the alien's Lair in the world. The place is very isolated, arid climates other than others. This could be causing bizarre plant life as well as any objects there grew up with strange. Call it the plant such as Dragon's Blood Tree, its shape is very uncommon, it looks like paying. This tree produces red-colored SAP. There also exist animals original, like birds, spiders and other native animals. Not to mention, the rocks also form reefs is not common and there is only on the island. With all the contents of the island's peculiarities, it's no wonder that Socotra, an island located in the Arabian Sea, entered into the legacy of World Heritage.


8. The Door To Hell, Turkmenistan may have it all figured out, at least have read or seen the news of his pictures. It's no wonder because of this nature in Turkmenistan fenomen somewhat unique. People call it ' the doors of hell "because in the crater 70 meters wide was out the api that continuously since last 35 years. Starting from the year 1971 in which the geologist member area to look for mine gas. That ensues is a burst of fire from the ground that continuously, even had a chance to swallow all their equipment. The geologist was nobody dared to go down into the poisonous. You can see it on Google Earth at 40 ° 15′29″e/33.8 ° N 44 ° e/26.23.


Sunday, 12 August 2012

History of The Number Zero "0"

Do not underestimate the number zero. Imagine, what would happen if the sequence of numbers there are only nine numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9) without the zero? Of course problems will arise, for example, which show the number of tens, hundreds, thousands, millions, or tens of millions?Well, in the presence of zero, all problems were solved trapped. Thanks to zero, arithmetically become increasingly widespread and function properly.

In addition to the essential function, the zeros also have a long history. Where does the actual numbers come from? And who are its inventors? Perhaps many thought, scientist inventor Europeans. Indeed, the zeros would be found by Muslim scientists. He is Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi. He was born in Khwarizmi (now Khiva), Uzbekistan, in 194 H/780 AD

Not much information is explained in depth about the figure and life history of Al-Khwarizmi. However, there is a brief history of the book of Ibn al-Fihrist an-Nadim, which also explains the works he wrote.

It says, Al-Khwarizmi to her almost all his work between the years 813-833 ga hing. After Islam came to Persia and Baghdad became the center of science and trade, many traders and scientists from China and India come to the city, including Al-Khwarizmi.

There, he became part of the scientists who worked at the Bayt al-Hikmah (House of Wisdom), a research and development of science that was founded by Ma'mun ar-Rashid, the Abbasid caliph seventh. By the professor of Islamic studies at Temple University United States, Mahmoud Ayoub, Bayt al-Hikmah referred to as the first institution of higher education in the Islamic world and the West. In this institution, Al-Khwarizmi studied the natural sciences and mathematics, as well as translation of the Sanskrit and Greek manuscripts.

Long ago, before Al-Khwarizmi introduced the zero, the scientists used a kind of list that distinguishes units, tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on it. List known as the abacus is working to keep each number in numbers not to be confused with each other from their place or position in a matter.

They apply to the 12th century AD, when Western scientists began to choose to use al-binji raqm (Arabic numerals) in their number system. Raqm albinji use the number "zero" is adopted from India figures, to present his decimal numbering system that has not been used before.Now, through his first book, Al-Mukhtasar fi al-Jabr wa reckoning al-muqabalah (Summary and Comparison of Algebraic Computation), Al-Kha ka ang warizmi introduce zero in Arabic called shifr. It also discusses the monumental work of the systematic solution of linear and quadratic notation.The book was translated in London in 1831 by English mathematician, Fredrick Rosen, and then edited in Arabic in 1939 by two mathematicians of Egypt, Ali Mustafa and Muhammad Mursi Ahmad Musyarrafa. Previously, pa da 12th century, work was also mentioned as translated by the mate matikawan from Chester, England, Robert (Latin: Robertus Castrensis), under the title Liber-mucabola Algebras et al.

Still in the same century, Latin-language book was later edited by mathematicians from New York, LC Karpinski. To both versions, De Jebra et Almucabola, written by Gerard da Cremona (1114-1187), mathematician and translator of Italian origin. The book was written by Gerard touted better and even surpass Rozen Fredrick book.

Thus, although the first has been introduced in the mid-ninth century, new zeros are known and used by Western scientists two and a half centuries later. Following the introduction of the zero by Al-Khwarizmi is the first zero is used as a place holder in a position-based notation. The world needs to thank the scientists on this one because with the introduction of zeros, numbers 2012 and 212 can be distinguished.

In the 12th century, the Muslim Council of Spanish mathematics, Meir ibn Ibrahim ibn Ezra, wrote three treatises on numbers which carry the symbols of India and decimal fractions to Europe up to get attention from a number of scientists there. The title of her treatise The Book of Numbers describes the decimal system for integers with place values ​​from left to right. Ibn Ezra uses zero as galgal (meaning wheel or circle).

Subsequently, in 1247, 
mathematician China, Ch'in Chiu-Shao wrote Mathematical Treaties in Nine Sections that use the symbol O for zero. And in 1303, Zhu Shijie use the same symbol for zero in his works Jade mirror of the Four Elements. Number system is further developed in Europe.Al-Khwarizmi, the scientist behind the discovery of the ma te matika the 9th century, the death in Baghdad in about 850 AD

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Spider Nesting in Ear

If your house is being renovated, it helps guard against small animals that enter uninvited. such as those experienced by women from China, which is going to the hospital because of the arrival of 'guest', a spider.

Quoted from page, an unnamed woman came to Changsha Central Hospital because the left side of his head was itching, recently. After the doctor examined, apparently itching to whack the poor woman comes from the presence of a spider in his ear.

Doctors suspect that the eight-legged animals that have lived in the hallway of the woman's ear for five days. The doctors are confident the spider into the patient's home when the house was being renovated. He then crawled slowly into the ear while she was asleep.

Carefully, the doctors then remove the spider using a saline solution. The doctors tried to keep the spider did not bite or go deeper into the ear canal of patients.

This technique is reported to work. The woman wept as she thanked the spider while it worked out.

CNN reported the news stations, the number of spiders and insects tend to rise in a warm air following the summer and drought in the United States.

"All the cold-blooded insects, so they can multiply quickly as extreme heat. Number of them more this summer than last year," said Jim Fredericks, entomologists and wildlife ecologist.

Most Famous Ghost Ship Legend

 Photo: 10 Legenda Kapal Hantu Paling Terkenal :

1. The Caleuche

Salah satu yang paling terkenal legenda dari mitologi Chilota Chili selatan menggambarkan Caleuche, sebuah kapal hantu yang muncul setiap malam di dekat pulau Chiloe. Menurut legenda setempat, kapal adalah semacam layar keadaan sadar bahwa perairan sekitar wilayah tersebut, membawa bersamanya semangat semua orang yang telah tenggelam di laut. Ketika melihat, yang Caleuche dikatakan menyolok indah dan cerah, dan selalu disertai oleh partai suara musik dan orang-orang tertawa. Setelah muncul selama beberapa saat, kapal itu kemudian berkata kepada menghilang atau menenggelamkan diri di bawah air. Menurut Chilota mitologi, roh-roh yang tenggelam dipanggil ke kapal oleh Sirena Chilota, yang Pincoya, dan Picoy, tiga Chilota “air roh” yang mirip dengan putri duyung. Setelah kapal kapal hantu, yang tenggelam dikatakan untuk dapat melanjutkan kehidupan mereka seperti sebelum mereka mati.

2. The SS Valencia

SS Valencia itu kapal kapal yang tenggelam di lepas pantai Vancouver, British Columbia pada tahun 1906. Kapal itu mengalami cuaca buruk di dekat Cape Mendocino, dan setelah hanyut Tentu saja, menabrak karang dan mulai mengambil air. Awak segera mulai menurunkan sekoci memegang 108 penumpang kapal ke dalam air, tetapi beberapa terbalik ini, dan satu saja menghilang. Di Valencia akhirnya tenggelam, dan hanya 37 dari sekitar 180 orang di kapal selamat. Lima bulan kemudian, seorang nelayan mengklaim dia telah menemukan kehidupan rakit dengan 8 kerangka di dalam sebuah gua dekat. Pencarian diluncurkan, tapi tidak menemukan apa pun. Berkat dramatis akhirnya, Valencia akhirnya menjadi sumber berbagai kisah kapal hantu. Pelaut akan sering mengklaim mereka bisa melihat hantu dari kapal uap melayang dekat karang di Pachena Point, dan sampai hari ini kapal adalah sumber teori dan sering liar penampakan kapal hantu. Dalam aneh, 27 tahun setelah tenggelamnya Valencia, salah satu rakit itu ditemukan mengambang dengan tenang di dekat Barkley Sound. The “hantu rakit” itu dikatakan berada dalam kondisi luar biasa, dan bahkan masih memiliki sebagian besar lapisan cat asli.

3. The Ourang Medan

Cerita tentang Medan Ourang dimulai pada tahun 1947, ketika dua kapal Amerika menerima panggilan darurat saat menavigasi Selat Malaka, lepas pantai Malaysia. Si penelepon memperkenalkan diri sebagai anggota awak Ourang Medan, sebuah kapal Belanda, dan seharusnya menyatakan bahwa kapten kapal dan awak semua mati atau sekarat. Pesan menjadi campur aduk dan aneh sebelum melemah dan berakhir dengan kata-kata: “aku mati.” Kapal-kapal cepat berlari ke tempat kejadian untuk membantu. Ketika mereka tiba, mereka menemukan bahwa Ourang Medan tidak mengalami kerusakan, tetapi bahwa seluruh awak kapal, bahkan anjing-sudah mati, tubuh dan wajah mereka terkunci dalam pose dan ekspresi ketakutan, dan banyak menunjuk pada sesuatu yang tidak ada di sana. Sebelum para penyelamat dapat menyelidiki lebih lanjut, kapal misterius terbakar, dan mereka harus mengungsi. Segera setelah itu, Medan Ourang dikatakan telah meledak dan kemudian tenggelam. Sementara rincian dan keseluruhan kebenaran dari kisah Medan Ourang masih banyak diperdebatkan, ada beberapa teori yang diusulkan mengenai apa yang mungkin telah menyebabkan kematian para awak kapal. Yang paling populer ini adalah bahwa kapal itu secara ilegal mengangkut nitrogliserin atau semacam ilegal agen saraf, yang tidak benar aman dan merembes keluar ke udara. Lain, sementara itu, telah menelan kapal itu menjadi korban serangan UFO atau beberapa jenis acara paranormal.

4. The Carroll A. Deering

Mungkin yang paling terkenal kapal hantu dari pesisir Timur adalah Carroll A. Deering, sebuah sekunar yang kandas di dekat Tanjung Hatteras, North Carolina pada tahun 1921. Kapal baru saja kembali dari perjalanan komersial untuk memberikan batubara di Amerika Selatan, dan itu terakhir kali terlihat di selatan Hatteras oleh sebuah kapal suar di dekat Cape Lookout. Itu kandas di Diamond terkenal Shoals, sebuah wilayah yang terkenal akan menyebabkan bangkai kapal, dan duduk di sana selama beberapa hari sebelum bantuan apa pun bisa mencapainya. Ketika mereka tiba, Coast Guard menemukan bahwa kapal itu sepenuhnya ditinggalkan. Peralatan navigasi dan buku catatan hilang, seperti juga dua sekoci, tapi selain itu tidak ada tanda-tanda apapun kecurangan. Sebuah penyelidikan besar-besaran oleh pemerintah AS diikuti, yang menemukan bahwa beberapa kapal lainnya telah menghilang secara misterius sekitar waktu yang sama. Beberapa teori diajukan akhirnya, yang paling populer adalah bahwa kapal menjadi korban bajak laut atau rumrunners. Yang lain menyarankan bahwa mungkin pemberontakan menjadi penyebab, sebagai pasangan pertama Deering dikenal untuk menanggung sebagian permusuhan terhadap para Kapten, tapi tidak ada bukti bahkan telah ditemukan. Misteri kapal hantu yang mengelilingi telah mendorong spekulasi liar, dan banyak yang berpendapat bahwa kegiatan paranormal mungkin telah bertanggung jawab, yang mengutip bagian kapal melalui segitiga bermuda yang terkenal sebagai bukti bahwa semacam fenomena dunia lain mungkin untuk disalahkan.

5. The Baychimo

Salah satu kasus yang paling menakjubkan dari kehidupan nyata mengenai kapal hantu Baychimo, sebuah kapal kargo yang ditinggalkan dan dibiarkan melayang di dekat laut Alaska selama hampir empat puluh tahun. Kapal ini dimiliki oleh Perusahaan Teluk Hudson, dan diluncurkan pada awal 1920-an dan digunakan untuk perdagangan pelts dan bulu dengan Inuit di utara Kanada. Tapi di tahun 1931, Baychimo menjadi terperangkap dalam kemasan es dekat Alaska, dan setelah banyak usaha untuk melanggarnya gratis, para kru akhirnya diterbangkan keluar dari daerah ke tempat yang aman. Setelah badai salju yang berat, kapal berhasil melepaskan diri dari es, tapi itu rusak parah dan ditinggalkan oleh Perusahaan Teluk Hudson, yang beranggapan itu tidak akan berlangsung musim dingin. Herannya, Baychimo berhasil tetap bertahan, dan selama 38 tahun, itu tetap terapung di perairan Alaska. Kapal menjadi semacam legenda setempat, dan sering terlihat mengambang tanpa tujuan di dekat paket es yang membeku oleh Eskimo dan kapal lain. Saat itu naik beberapa kali, tapi kondisi cuaca selalu membuat menyelamatkan hampir mustahil. The Baychimo ini terakhir terlihat pada tahun 1969, sekali lagi membeku di dalam es dari Alaska, tetapi sejak itu menghilang. Kapal diyakini telah tenggelam di tahun-tahun, namun baru-baru ini beberapa ekspedisi telah diluncurkan dalam mencari sekarang hampir 80 tahun hantu kapal.

6. The Octavius

Walaupun sekarang dianggap lebih legenda daripada apa pun, cerita tentang Octavius tetap salah satu yang paling terkenal dari semua cerita kapal hantu. Cerita tanggal kembali ke 1775, ketika dikatakan bahwa sebuah kapal penangkap ikan paus yang disebut Herald sengaja menemukan Octavius mengambang tanpa tujuan di lepas pantai Greenland. Crewmembers dari Herald naik Octavius, di mana mereka menemukan tubuh para awak dan penumpang semua beku oleh dingin arktik. Paling menonjol, para kru menemukan kapten kapal masih duduk di mejanya, pertengahan menyelesaikan sebuah entri log dari 1762, yang berarti telah Octavius terapung selama 13 tahun. Menurut legenda, ia akhirnya menemukan bahwa sang kapten telah mempertaruhkan untuk membuat cepat kembali ke Inggris dari Timur melalui Northwest Passage, tetapi bahwa kapal telah menjadi terperangkap di dalam es. Jika benar, ini akan berarti Octavius telah menyelesaikan bagian ke Atlantik sebagai hantu kapal, para awak dan kapten lama mati terekspos sampai unsur.

7. The Joyita

The Joyita adalah seorang nelayan dan perahu sewaan yang ditemukan ditinggalkan di Pasifik Selatan pada tahun 1955. Kapal, bersama dengan 25 penumpang dan awak, sedang dalam perjalanan ke Kepulauan Tokelau ketika sesuatu terjadi, dan tidak sampai jam kemudian bahwa Joyita terlambat dilaporkan dan upaya penyelamatan diluncurkan. Sebuah pencarian udara besar-besaran dilakukan, tapi gagal menemukan kapal yang hilang, dan tidak sampai lima minggu kemudian bahwa kapal dagang tersandung atas Joyita hanyut sekitar 600 mil dari aslinya saja. Tidak ada tanda-tanda dari penumpang, kru, kargo, atau kehidupan rakit, dan kapal itu rusak dan daftar cukup parah ke satu sisi. Pemeriksaan lebih lanjut oleh pihak yang berwenang menemukan bahwa radio kapal disetel untuk tanda bahaya universal, dan pencarian dari geladak menemukan tas dokter dan beberapa perban berdarah. Tak satu pun dari awak atau penumpang yang pernah terlihat lagi, dan misteri dari apa yang terjadi belum pernah terungkap. Teori yang paling populer adalah bahwa membunuh bajak laut penumpang dan melemparkan tubuh mereka ke laut, tapi klaim lain termasuk segala sesuatu dari pemberontakan dan penculikan penipuan asuransi. @ihsan000

8. The Lady Lovibond

Inggris memiliki tradisi panjang legenda tentang hantu kapal, dan Lady Lovibond ini mungkin yang paling terkenal. Sebagai jalan ceritanya, Lady Lovibond kapten, Simon Peel, baru saja menikah, dan memutuskan untuk membawa kapal di atas sebuah kapal pesiar untuk merayakannya. Dia membawa pengantin barunya sepanjang-akan berlangsung lama pelayaran terhadap keyakinan bahwa membawa seorang wanita di papan perahu adalah nasib buruk-dan berlayar pada 13 Februari 1748. Sayangnya untuk Peel, mate pertamanya juga jatuh cinta dengan istri barunya, dan setelah menonton perayaan, orang menjadi marah dan kewalahan dengan kecemburuan dan sengaja mengarahkan perahu ke Goodwind mematikan Sands, sebuah bar pasir terkenal karena menyebabkan kecelakaan kapal. Lady Lovibond tenggelam, menewaskan semua penumpang. Sebagai legenda berjalan, sejak kecelakaan Lady Lovibond dapat dilihat berlayar di perairan sekitar Kent setiap 50 tahun. Hal ini terlihat pada tahun 1798 oleh beberapa kapten kapal yang berbeda, serta pada tahun 1848 dan 1898, ketika itu seharusnya tampak begitu nyata bahwa beberapa kapal, berpikir itu sebuah kapal dalam kesusahan, sebenarnya dikirim rakit untuk membantu itu. Lady Lovibond kembali terlihat pada tahun 1948, dan sementara tidak ada penampakan dikonfirmasi pada tahun terakhir di tahun 1998, terus menjadi salah satu yang paling terkenal legenda kapal hantu di Eropa.

9. The Mary Celeste

Diragukan lagi yang paling terkenal dari semua kehidupan nyata hantu kapal, Mary Celeste adalah kapal dagang yang ditemukan gelandangan dan terapung-apung di Samudera Atlantik pada tahun 1872. Kapal itu dalam kondisi layak laut, dengan segala layar masih terjaga dan toko penuh makanan dalam kargo, tapi hidupnya perahu, kapten buku log dan, yang lebih penting, seluruh kru, menghilang secara misterius. Tidak ada tanda-tanda perjuangan, dan barang-barang pribadi dari kru dan kargo dari lebih dari 1500 barel alkohol tersentuh, tampaknya mengesampingkan kemungkinan pembajakan sebagai penjelasan. Pada tahun-tahun sejak penemuan aneh, sejumlah teori telah diusulkan mengenai kemungkinan nasib kru Mary Celeste. Ini termasuk bahwa mereka penumpang tewas akibat puting beliung, bahwa awak memberontak, atau bahkan makan tepung yang terkontaminasi dengan jamur membawa semua penumpang untuk berhalusinasi dan menjadi gila. Teori yang paling mungkin tetap bahwa badai atau beberapa jenis masalah teknis memimpin sebelum waktunya meninggalkan kru untuk kapal dalam sekoci, dan bahwa mereka kemudian meninggal di laut. Namun, misteri yang mengelilingi Mary Celeste telah menimbulkan banyak spekulasi liar, dan lain-lain telah mengusulkan segalanya dari hantu ke laut monster dan penculikan orang asing mungkin penjelasan.

10. The Flying Dutchman

Maritim cerita rakyat, tidak ada hantu kapal yang lebih terkenal daripada Flying Dutchman, yang telah mengilhami banyak lukisan, cerita horor, film, dan bahkan sebuah opera. Kapal pertama kali disebutkan pada akhir 1700-an di George buku pelaut Barrington’s Voyage ke Botany Bay, dan sejak itu para legenda terus tumbuh, berkat berbagai penampakan itu oleh nelayan dan pelaut. Sebagai cerita, si Flying Dutchman adalah kapal keluar dari Amsterdam yang dikapteni oleh seorang pria bernama Van der Decken. Kapal itu membuat jalan menuju Hindia Timur ketika menghadapi cuaca yang berbahaya di dekat Tanjung Harapan. Bertekad untuk persimpangan, Van der Decken seharusnya menjadi gila, membunuh pasangan yang pertama, dan bersumpah bahwa ia akan melintasi Cape, “bahkan jika Tuhan akan membiarkan aku berlayar ke Judgment Day!” Walaupun usaha terbaik, kapal tenggelam di badai, dan sebagai legenda berjalan, Van der Decken dan kapal hantu sekarang dikutuk untuk berlayar lautan untuk selama-lamanya. Sampai hari ini, Flying Dutchman yang terus menjadi salah satu yang paling berpandangan dari semua kapal hantu, dan orang-orang dari nelayan laut dalam kepada Pangeran Wales memiliki semua mengklaim telah melihatnya membuat yang tak pernah berakhir perjalanan menyeberangi lautan.
1. The Caleuche
One of the most famous legends of mythology describes Caleuche Chilota southern Chile, a ghost ship that appears every night near the island of Chiloe. According to local legend, the ship is a kind of screen is conscious that the waters around the area, bringing with him the spirit of all those who have drowned in the sea. As seen, the Caleuche said striking beautiful and bright, and always accompanied by the music and the party people laugh. After appearing for a while, the ship was then said to disappear or submerge themselves under water. According Chilota mythology, the spirits are summoned to the ship sunk by Sirena Chilota, which Pincoya, and Picoy, three Chilota "water spirit" which is similar to a mermaid. After the ghost ship, which sank said to be able to continue their lives like before they die.
2. The SS Valencia
SS Valencia was aboard the vessel that sank off the coast of Vancouver, British Columbia in 1906. The ship was experiencing bad weather near Cape Mendocino, and after drifting course, hit a reef and began taking water. The crew immediately began to lower the lifeboat holding the 108 passenger vessel into the water, but some of this upside down, and one just disappeared. Valencia finally sunk in, and only 37 of about 180 people on board survived. Five months later, a fisherman claimed he had found a life raft with 8 frame in a nearby cave. Search was launched, but did not find anything. Thanks to a dramatic end, Valencia eventually become the source of the stories of ghost ships. Sailors would often claim they can see the ghost of steamers hovering near reefs in Pachena Point, and to this day the ship is the source of often wild theories and ghost ship sightings. In a strange, 27 years after the sinking of the Valencia, one of the raft was found floating peacefully near Barkley Sound. The "ghost raft" was said to be in exceptional condition, and even still has most of the original paint layer.
3. The Ourang Medan
The story of Medan Ourang began in 1947, when two U.S. ships received a distress call while navigating the Strait of Malacca, off the coast of Malaysia. The caller introduced himself as a member of the crew Ourang Medan, a Dutch ship, and should state that the captain and crew are all dead or dying. Messages become jumbled and bizarre before weakening and ending with the words: "I die." Fast boats running to the scene to assist. When they arrived, they found that Ourang Medan no damage, but that the entire crew, even the dog was dead, their bodies and faces are locked in a pose and expression of fear, and many point to something that is not there. Before the rescuers could investigate further, a mysterious ship on fire, and they have to evacuate. Soon after, the field is said to have exploded Ourang and then drowned. While the details and the whole truth of the story is still widely debated Ourang field, there are several proposed theories about what might have caused the death of the crew. The most popular of these is that the ship was illegally transporting illegal kind of nitroglycerin or nerve agents, which are not completely safe and seeped out into the air. Others, meanwhile, has claimed the ship was a victim of UFO attack or some kind of paranormal events.
4. The Carroll A. Deering
Perhaps the most famous ghost ship of the East coast is the Carroll A. Deering, a schooner that ran aground near Cape Hatteras, North Carolina in 1921. The ship had just returned from a trip to deliver commercial coal in South America, and was last seen in the southern Hatteras by a ship near the Cape Lookout lighthouse. It ran aground on Diamond Shoals famous, a region famous for causing the wreck, and sat there for several days before any help could reach it. When they arrived, the Coast Guard found that the ship was completely abandoned. Navigation equipment and a notebook is lost, as were two lifeboats, but otherwise there was no sign of any foul play. A massive investigation by the U.S. government followed, which found that several other ships have mysteriously disappeared around the same time. Finally put forward some theories, the most popular is that the victims of a pirate ship or rumrunners. Others suggested that it might be the cause of rebellion, as the first pair Deering known to bear some animosity toward the captain, but no evidence has even been found. Mystery surrounding the ghost ship has prompted wild speculation, and many argue that paranormal activity may have been responsible, citing the ship through the Bermuda Triangle known as evidence that such phenomena may be to blame the other world.
5. The Baychimo
One of the most amazing case of real life on a ghost ship Baychimo, a cargo ship that was abandoned and left to float in the ocean near Alaska for nearly forty years. The ship is owned by the Hudson Bay Company, and launched in the early 1920s and used to trade pelts and furs with the Inuit in northern Canada. But in 1931, Baychimo became trapped in pack ice near Alaska, and after many attempts to break free, the crew finally flown out of the area to safety. After a heavy snow storm, the ship managed to escape from the ice, but it was badly damaged and abandoned by the Hudson Bay Company, who thinks it will not last the winter. Amazingly, Baychimo successfully survive, and for 38 years, it remained floating in the waters of Alaska. The ship becomes a sort of local legend, and is often seen floating aimlessly near the frozen ice packs by Eskimos and other vessels. When it rose several times, but the weather always makes rescue almost impossible. The Baychimo was last seen in 1969, once again frozen in the ice of Alaska, but has since disappeared. The ship is believed to have drowned in years, but recently has launched several expeditions in search of nearly 80 years now a ghost ship.
6. The Octavius
Although now considered more legend than anything else, the story of Octavius ​​remains one of the most famous of all ghost ship stories. The story dates back to 1775, when it is said that a whaling ship called the Herald stumbled across Octavius ​​floating aimlessly off the coast of Greenland. Crewmembers of the Herald rose Octavius, where they found the bodies of the crew and passengers of all frozen by the arctic cold. Most notably, the crew finds the ship's captain was still sitting at his desk, mid completing a log entry from 1762, which means that Octavius ​​had been adrift for 13 years. According to legend, he eventually discovered that the captain had been staked to make a quick return to England from the east through the Northwest Passage, but that ship has become trapped in the ice. If true, this would mean Octavius ​​had completed part of the Atlantic as a ghost ship, its crew and captain of the old die from exposure to the elements.
7. The Joyita
The Joyita was a fisherman and charter boat found abandoned in the South Pacific in 1955. Ship, along with 25 passengers and crew, was on his way to the Tokelau Islands, when something happens, and it was not until hours later that the Joyita late reported and rescue effort was launched. A massive air search is done, but failed to find the missing ship, and not until five weeks later that the merchant ship drifting about Joyita stumble over 600 miles from its original course. There are no signs of passengers, crew, cargo, or the life raft, and the ship was badly damaged and the list just to one side. Further examination by the authorities discovered that the ship radio tuned to a universal distress signal, and a search of the deck find a doctor bag and some bloody bandages. None of the crew or the passengers are never seen again, and the mystery of what happened has never been revealed. The most popular theory is that pirates killed a passenger and threw their bodies into the sea, but other claims including everything from the insurgency and kidnapping insurance fraud. @ Ihsan000
8. The Lady Lovibond
Britain has a long tradition of legends about ghost ships, and the Lady Lovibond is probably the most famous. As the story goes, Lady Lovibond captain, Simon Peel, recently married, and decided to bring the ship on a cruise to celebrate. He brought along his new bride-to be a long voyage to the belief that carrying a woman on board a boat is bad luck-and sail on February 13, 1748. Unfortunately for Peel, the first mate is also in love with his new wife, and after watching the celebrations, people become angry and overwhelmed with jealousy and Goodwind deliberately steer the boat to turn off the Sands, a sand bar known for causing shipwrecks. Lady Lovibond sank, killing all passengers. As the legend goes, since the Lady Lovibond accident can be seen sailing in the waters around the Kent every 50 years. This was shown in 1798 by several different captains, and in 1848 and 1898, when it should seem so real that some of the ship, thinking it was a ship in distress, actually sent a raft to help it. Lady Lovibond again seen in 1948, and while there were no confirmed sightings in the last year in 1998, continues to be one of the most famous ghost ship legend in Europe.
9. The Mary Celeste
Undoubtedly the most famous of all the real-life ghost ship, Mary Celeste was a merchant ship that was found homeless and adrift in the Atlantic Ocean in 1872. The ship is in seaworthy condition, with all the screens are still awake and full of food stores in the cargo hold, but his boat, the captain's log book and, more importantly, the entire crew, disappeared mysteriously. There are no signs of struggle, and personal belongings of crew and cargo from more than 1500 barrels of alcohol untouched, apparently ruling out the possibility of piracy as an explanation. In the years since the discovery of a strange, a number of theories have been proposed about the possible fate of the crew of Mary Celeste. This includes those passengers that were killed by tornado, the crew rebelled, or even eating flour contaminated with a fungus brought all the passengers to hallucinate and go crazy. The most likely theory remains that the storm or some kind of technical problems led the crew to prematurely abandon ship in lifeboats, and that they later died at sea. However, the mystery surrounding the Mary Celeste has created a lot of wild speculation, and others have suggested everything from sea monsters and ghosts to the stranger abduction may be explanations.
10. The Flying Dutchman
Maritime folklore, there is no ghost ship the Flying Dutchman is more famous than, that has inspired many paintings, horror stories, movies, and even an opera. The ship was first mentioned in the late 1700s at George Barrington's Voyage seaman book to Botany Bay, and since then the legend continues to grow, thanks to numerous sightings by fishermen and sailors were. As a story, the Flying Dutchman is a ship out of Amsterdam is captained by a man called Van der Decken. The ship was making its way toward the East Indies when faced with dangerous weather near the Cape of Good Hope. Determined to intersections, Van der Decken should be mad, kill the first mate, and vowed that he would cross the Cape, "even if God will let me sail to Judgement Day!" Despite best efforts, the ship sank in a storm, and as legend goes , Van der Decken and now a ghost ship doomed to sail the seas forever. To this day, the Flying Dutchman continues to be one of the most-sighted of all ghost ships, and those of deep-sea fishing to the Prince of Wales have all claimed to have seen it make a never-ending journey across the sea.