Monday 6 August 2012

The Most Dangerous Virus

ROTTERDAM — this is the most dangerous viruses. These viruses can destroy human beings, but at the same time also created by humans.

Photo: ROTTERDAM, — Inilah virus paling berbahaya. Virus ini bisa memusnahkan manusia, tetapi sekaligus juga dibuat oleh manusia.

Tak ada nama spesifik bagi virus itu, atau setidaknya belum diberi nama secara resmi. Ahli virus dari Pusat Medis Erasmus di Rotterdam, Belanda, Ron Fouchier adalah orang yang menciptakan virus itu. Ia melakukannya dengan memutasikan materi genetik virus H5N1. Untuk menguji patogenitas virus, Fouchier memakai musang sebagai hewan percobaan karena memiliki saluran pernapasan serupa dengan manusia.

"Ini adalah salah satu virus paling berbahaya yang bisa Anda buat," kata Fouschier seperti dikutip Daily Mail, Minggu (27/11/2011). Virus ini jauh lebih mudah menginfeksi manusia dan ditularkan ke manusia lain. Jika virus ini sampai "bocor" ke publik, potensi pandemik global akibat virus ini sangat tinggi. Boleh jadi, spesies manusia dibuat musnah karenanya.

Lalu apa tujuannya membuat virus yang bisa mematikan manusia? Fouchier mengatakan, penelitian ini bagian dari usaha internasional memahami H5N1. Riset serupa lain juga dilakukan tim peneliti kerja sama Universitas Wisconsin di AS dan Universitas Tokyo di Jepang.

Hasil penelitian Fouchier dan tim peneliti dari Wisconsin dan Tokyo kini tengah diulas oleh Badan Penasihat Sains Nasional untuk Keamanan Biologis Amerika Serikat (NSABB). Beberapa kalangan menolak publikasi hasil penelitian tersebut sebab dikhawatirkan akan disalahgunakan. Hasil penelitian bisa berdampak positif untuk kesehatan masyarakat, tetapi juga bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai senjata biologis.

"Kami tak mau memberikan road map bagaimana cara membuat virus buruk menjadi semakin buruk kepada para penjahat," kata Michael Osterholm, anggota NSABB yang juga merupakan pakar flu dan pertahanan biologis dari Pusat Penelitian dan Kebijakan Penyakit Infeksi di Universitas Minnesota, AS.

There is no specific name for that virus, or at least have not been named officially. Virus experts from the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam, Netherlands, Ron Fouchier is the one who created the virus. It does so by realizing that the H5N1 virus genetic material. To test the patogenitas virus, Fouchier wear as animal experiments because the ferret to have respiratory tract is similar to humans.

"This is one of the most dangerous viruses you can make," said Fouschier was quoted as saying the Daily Mail, Sunday (27/11/2011). The Virus is much more easily infect humans and transmitted to other humans. If this virus until the "leaked" to the public, potential global pandemic caused by this virus is very high. May be, the human species made extinct because of it.

Then what is the purpose of viruses that can be lethal to create human beings? Fouchier says, this research was part of the international effort to understand the H5N1 virus. Another similar research also conducted research team teamwork University of Wisconsin in the United States and the University of Tokyo in Japan.

The results of research and the research team of Fouchier Wisconsin and Tokyo Central reviewed by Agency now Adviser to the national science for Biological Security United States (NSABB). Some refuse such research results publication because it is feared will be abused. Research results could positively impact to public health, but can also be used as a biological weapon.

"We do not want to provide a road map to how do I create a bad virus becoming increasingly worse to the criminals," said Michael Osterholm, a member of the NSABB is also an expert on flu and Biological Defense Research and policy of the Center for infectious diseases at the University of Minnesota, USA.

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